new to the industry
New agents often struggle launching their business due to time, money, resource and support constraints. Our platform handles all of these concerns so you can focus on closing sales. By investing in your business, we will create a long term, mutually beneficial partnership.
Free Leads
All of our agents receive free leads. On average, you’ll receive 25 leads per day, with potential for more.

Advanced Commissions
We advance commission on the majority of business. Many of our carriers offer a 6 to 9 month advances. Those advances will give you the income you need to establish and develop your business. Our competitive commission rates are among the best in the business.
It’s important for you to know your products and sales techniques to succeed. We offer webinars on sales and products so you can stay on top of your game. All of our training is led by highly knowledgeable agents with years of proven sales experience.
If you’re not licensed, we’ll help you with the process. We’ll also continue to support you throughout your career. Our staff is on hand whenever you need us, so you can get answers to questions immediately, and better serve your customers’ requests.
Virtual Office
You’ll be given a business phone line, customer relationship manager, marketing platform, our virtual assistant program, and access to an entire office of knowledgeable support staff. You’ll have everything you need to succeed from the comfort of your office.
High Quality Carriers
We provide you with a portfolio of the highest-rated carriers so you can meet the unique needs of every client.
Contests and Bonuses
Sales contests, trips, and bonuses will keep you motivated, while providing you with extra income opportunities.